We realize that the most valuable thing to a parent is their children. As such, we strive to have a children’s ministry that is structured to provide a loving and caring environment for your children to learn about the God Who made them and desires to have a close intimate relationship with them.


Our nursery’s first priority is to create a safe environment for your children and allow the parents to attend the worship services free of distraction so that they may take the time to personally focus on their relationship with God. As such, we have a staffed nursery available for each regularly scheduled church service. Each of our nursery workers loves children and has a desire to be used by God to make an impact on these little ones. The nursery is available for children from birth to three years old on Sunday. Wednesday night nursery is for birth to two years old. Three-year-olds get to participate in the Awana Cubbies program.

Children’s Church

Each Sunday morning during the morning worship service the children meet for their own special children’s church. This is a fun and exciting time with Bible lessons, missionary stories, fun songs, and snack time as well. Children’s church is available for kindergarten-fifth grade.

We offer AWANA for children ages 3-5th grade. You can get more information about our AWANA ministry by clicking here.