Come just as you are.

We're a community of real people. We have imperfect messy lives, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Everybody is welcome here whatever your story, your questions, doubts, or struggles. We’re striving to do life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people, serving one another, and serving our local communities. We want to invite you to our Sunday Service at 10:30am and to experience our community of Jesus-followers authentically engaging the God we love!

Time and Place


We meet at 2677 Highway 41 in Griffin, Georgia.

10:30 AM in the Worship Center

  • We meet in our Worship Center with a casual setting for guests and members

  • Nursery is provided for newborn - 3 years.

  • Berean Kids Church is provided for 4 years - 5th grade.

  • You can also join us LIVE online on our Facebook page HERE at 10:30 AM.

Our Worship Services

When you arrive, be sure to stop by our coffee bar and grab a fresh cup of coffee and then make your way into our Worship Center. Our greeters and church family can answer questions, and we have some friendly, knowledgeable folks who would love to meet you and can introduce you to others. You will notice an easy-going environment where people are dressed casually. If you arrive early, you’ll have no problem getting a seat of your choice. If you arrive a little late we can help direct you to an open spot. After singing our worship songs, we will dimiss 4 year olds - 5th grade to head off to Berean Kidz!

Our Worship Services | Berean Baptist Church | Griffin, GA

Worship Style

We thank God for the group of talented musicians and vocalists who serve our church family each week by sharing their gifts. Our style of worship music could be described as blended. We sing newer songs as well as a number of older, beloved hymns, and occasionally introduce a familiar hymn with a new tune breathing new life into some of the best songs from the past. The familiarity and singability of our worship music is one of the defining aspects of our Sunday morning gatherings.



Our preaching time is focused on taking the deep truths of the Bible and explaining them in a manner that makes sense and can be applied with practical application today. Generally, we learn from exegetical sermons taught verse-by-verse through Scripture. Expect our sermons to last roughly 35-40 minutes. Watch our past sermons here.

Our Worship Services | Berean Baptist Church | Griffin, GA


Every week we respond in worship in a few different ways. Those who consider Berean Baptist their home will be given the opportunity to worship with their finances by giving back a portion to God via the offering. You as a guest should feel no pressure to take part in this. If you’d like to learn more about the financial side of Berean, you can do so here

Additionally, Pastor Mark always closes the service with a time of response. This is a time of quiet reflection as we ponder and consider the truths of God’s Word and its impact on our lives and how we should respond.

Please don’t feel like you need to run out right away. Take some time to meet new people if you are ready for that. You will be invited to fill out a Connect Card, and one of our staff members will reach out to you and give you more information about Berean.

We hope to see you soon!